Poles and Mounting Hardware

Nativity Tree Mounting Poles - Shipped
5.00 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

2 Mounting Poles for Nativity Tree
17" long x 1" wide
Ship to my address

Nativity Tree Mounting Poles - Pick Up
5.00 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

2 Mounting Poles for Nativity Tree
17" long x 1" wide
Pick Up in Cuyahoga Falls
Call 330-351-3064 to arrange pick up

NT Poles - PU
Joy Nativity Mounting Hardware - Shipped
10.00 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Mounting Hardware for Joy Nativity
2 poles - 30" x 3/4"
2 poles - 17" x 3/4"
8 pole brackets
8 mounting screws
Set-up instructions
Ship to my address

Poles Joy Ship
Joy Nativity Mounting Hardware - Pick Up
10.00 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Mounting Hardware for Joy Nativity
2 poles - 30" x 3/4"
2 poles - 17" x 3/4"
8 pole brackets
8 mounting screws
Set-up instructions
Pick up in Cuyahoga Falls
Call 330-351-3064 to arrange pickup

Poles Joy PU
Bell Nativity Mounting Hardware - Shipped
7.50 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Mounting Hardware for Bell Nativity
2 poles - 30" x 3/4"
4 pole brackets
4 mounting screws
Set-up instructions
Ship to my address

Poles Bell Ship
Bell Nativity Mounting Hardware - Pick Up
7.50 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Mounting Hardware for Bell Nativity
2 poles - 30" x 3/4"
4 pole brackets
4 mounting screws
Set-up instructions
Pick up in Cuyahoga Falls
Call 330-351-3064 to arrange pickup

Poles Bell PU